Frequently Asked Questions
Prices at the Aura Luxury Suites may vary depending on your stay (ie the dates you choose, hotel policy, etc.).
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How far is Aura Luxury Suites from the beach?
Aura Luxury Suites is located 200m from the beach for your convenience.
How far is Aura Luxury Suites from Olympiada village center?
Aura Luxury Suites is located close to the village center (100m) for your convenience and at the same time far enough to provide you with enough privacy.
Can i park my car at Aura Luxury Suites?
Guests of Aura Luxury Suites are provided with two parking spots depending on availability.
How do I get to Aura Luxury Suites from Thessaloniki (SKG) Airport?
From the nearest airport, you can reach Aura Luxury Suites with:
Taxi: in 1 hour and 30 minutes
Bus: KTEL Macedonia in 2 hours
What room types are available for booking at Aura Luxury Suites?
Room options at Aura Luxury Suites include:
Luxury Suite
What happens with my deposit in case of a cancellation?
If the cancellation takes place more than 30 days before your booked date, the full deposit will be refunded back.
If the cancellation takes place at 30 days or below from your booked date, the deposit will not be refundable.
What are the check-in and check-out times at Aura Luxury Suites?
Check-in at Aura Luxury Suites starts at 15:00 and Check-out is until 11:00.
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